How to prevent copying topics and images from Blogger blog

Team TeachWiki

Let me make a reservation right away that I am categorically against using in practice any methods described in this article. Any ban only irritates site visitors and it is unlikely that anyone will want to return to a page that, for example, blocks the right mouse button or requires JavaScript to be enabled to view text. The most I will admit is passive content protection . This is not to mention the fact that any protection in case of real need can be bypassed without any problems. But nevertheless, active protection against copying content is sometimes found on some sites. In this article I have collected methods of active protection that I have encountered in practice.

The first way is the easiest. Suppression of text selection, mouse movement and click, copy and context menu events by blocking the right mouse button. A handler is placed that prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM hierarchy and immediately returns a cancel flag:

So you decided to disable text selection function for the Blogger blog? This composition will help you to understand the pros and cons of doing so, and how you can disable text selection from your blog. When you write a blog on the Blogger content operation system and want zero to copy the content, you can follow this companion. Blogger supports XML theme. We ’ve to apply some law to the XML theme train to induce a defended HTML affair.

Disable Copy Paste in Blogger

In the first place, we'll understand how we can disable text selection for the entire page and a particular part. That will give more command over the Blogger blog.

The most effective method to impair Copy Paste of Complete Page in Blogger

When you disable text selection of complete Blog, your blog will not support ctrl+c, right-click, ctrl+v, or selection tool in mobile. The given script will deny any function under the body area. You’ve to edit the Blogger XML file and paste this code just above the </body> tag. You can find </body> tag by searching this tag with Ctrl+f key.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
//Disable cut copy paste
        $('body').bind('cut copy paste', function(e) {
//Disable mouse right click
$("body").on("contextmenu", function(e) {
return false;

The given script will perform these two actions,

Now This code will not allow any visitor to copy content from the blog.

Want to Protect a particular part like content only? (Suggested)

The below code is more useful as this will disable text selection only for a particular part of the post. You can paste this code just before the </head> tag in your theme file of the Blogger blog.

<style type='text/css'>
article-content, post-entry, etc {

You’ve to save your theme and done. Whatever content you'll compose will be secured. If it's not too much trouble, note that this code won't give any advance notice like content is protected, which will disturb the visitors.

Assume a visitor wants to read a complete post of your blog, and you provided an external link for your visitors as a reference. All things considered, the client will right-click from the mouse, and in the event that there is no reaction of snap, it will bother the client. All things considered, the client might leave your site, which is called pogo-sticking. So you've to deal with the site guests as well.

To cripple right-click as well, you can use the following code rather than the above mentioned. In any case, we'll recommend you to utilize the above code.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
//Disable cut copy paste
$('article').bind('cut copy paste', function(e) {
//Disable mouse right click
$("article").on("contextmenu", function(e) {
return false;

On the off chance that the above code isn't working: you are utilizing a vary basic HTML theme that isn't SEO cordial as the above code will work just with the HTML5 page structure theme. All things considered, you can download these Seo Ready Themes.

What not to do

If you want to prevent someone from copying and pasting your content, you can disable right-click or disable text highlighting. There are plugins and scripts to do this.

I highly recommend not doing this, though why? Three reasons.

There are even browser extensions that can do this for you automatically.

Anyone who cares enough to copy your content can do this, and ban valid clicks = clicks will stop them for 30 seconds at most.

If there is content on your site, people can steal it, and scripts will only slow it down and harm the user experience.

Commit to more proactive ways to prevent abrasions, and deal with abrasions aggressively when they occur. That's all you really have to do.


This was one of the easy and simple ways to prevent articles from being copied and your content stolen in Blogger, and this was done through a simple and easy CSS code, away from JavaScript codes that may cause a decrease in the speed of the blog.
