Top 5 Disadvantages of Using https on Blogger
Now that Google has made it possible to use https encryption on Blogger, many blogs have taken advantage of this and switched to https. But not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance. Before you decide to take this step, you must weigh the pros and cons. So what are the disadvantages of implementing https on Blogspot ?
- Blogspot images have absolute paths because they are located in Picasa web albums. Until recently, Picasa did not have an SSL certificate, and therefore its images were located on http. And although now the picasa photos are on https, you will have to edit the previously uploaded photos, as well as the newly added one, manually. Mixed content is very unfavorable for a blog on https, as it can affect the security of the blog and therefore some elements may be hidden. This is also stated in the Google help.
- No http to https 301 redirect set up /*
- HTTPS can affect your TIC and Page Rank (Pr) scores.
- HTTPS May Reduce Your Adsense Earnings
- Some scripts and widgets will stop working correctly when switching to HTTPS
Relative path:/image1.jpg
Absolute path:
With a relative path to the image, you would not have to edit all the images in the posts, but since this is not possible for a blogger, you will have to change all links to images to https. This is quite labor intensive.
So congratulations, you now have two identical blogs, and that's no good, as everyone knows the problem of duplicate content. This has a negative effect on blog promotion.
I must say that due to the fact that the redirect (redirect) from http to https is not configured, you will need to raise the indicators from scratch. All old links will stop working. If this is not a problem for you, then you can not focus on this.
If you are earning from Google Adsense , switching to https may result in a decrease in your earnings. Don't forget to also change the old google adsense code to the new one as the old code versions won't work. This applies to you if you haven't updated your ad units on the page for a long time. Learn more in Google Help
All social plugins, counters located on http will work with errors. All Javascript gadgets will lead to a mixed content problem.
So, if you do decide to switch to HTTPS, then you have to seriously work on a blog to prevent mixed content. Read also about the innovation from Google Adsense - recommended content