Head of Marketing: Types, Qualities, Business Skills
What are we talking about? The head of the marketing department (Marketing Director, CMO - Chief Marketing Officer) is a specialist responsible for the development of the company's product and its promotion, as well as performing a number of other functions.
What to pay attention to? Since this position, as a rule, belongs to top managers, it is quite difficult to find an intelligent ROM. However, often the problem lies not so much with the candidates, but with the wrong approach to hiring them.
Job Description of the Head of Marketing
Many people think that the marketing director is obliged to know all the subtleties and nuances of the products that the company produces and sells. That is why most business leaders are looking for a candidate for this position in competing organizations or in companies operating in related fields of activity. First of all, the marketing director must perfectly know the interests of the target audience. His key function is to act as a lawyer for the values and needs of his clients.
Compared to other directors of the company, the top manager of the marketing service will always be treated differently. After all, it is from him and from the activities of his employees that they expect such actions, the result of which will be a constant flow of customers, ensuring the achievement of the targets of the financial plan.
The ability of the marketing director to competently organize and direct the activities of his subordinates, to establish the interaction of all services of the organization depends on the final result of the enterprise. Therefore, for his employees, he must be a leader, must be able to organize presentations and successfully negotiate with the heads of other departments and structural divisions of the organization.
All these criteria testify to the high degree of responsibility of the marketing director. If all the company's goals for the reporting period are achieved, then this is a victory for the entire team, and if not, then either production or marketing is to blame for this, which failed to attract the target audience and sell products.
Companies looking for a Marketing Director
Until 2010, when marketing was firmly established in Russian companies, the position of marketing director was found only in large corporations. However, later even small firms began to provide for it in their state.
Does every company need such a specialist? Not at all. If you meet the following conditions, then you can safely start looking for a first-class marketing director:
- the number of customers is in the hundreds or thousands;
- the budget for product promotion is from 1 million PKR;
- it is necessary to develop a company strategy;
- the general structure provides for at least 3 marketing specialists.
It is also not always justified to inflate the staff of senior staff. To begin with, assess the situation, maybe the position of the chief (senior) marketer will be enough for you.
Types of Marketing Managers
There are three types of marketing directors:
- Visionary
- Analyst
- Administrator
If we consider this figure in terms of temperament, then this is a typical entrepreneur. So, some managers cannot see anything promising in an empty plot of land, and the visionary already imagines a good road, hotels, a restaurant, a casino, etc. His peculiarity is the ability to see market trends, which he can easily enter with the help of non-standard actions. He is not afraid to work himself, make mistakes, correct his miscalculations and achieve results. Therein lies its advantage.
Visionaries are best suited for startups, fast-growing organizations, and micro-businesses, as this is where the speed of generating and implementing ideas is most valued.
A specialist of this type carefully examines the market, looks for possible growth points and systematizes all marketing activities. The analyst hardly invents anything, but significantly improves and improves existing processes.
Such a leader is in demand at a time when there is already a description of the target audience, and a defined market segment. His task is to solve a puzzle, the meaning of which is to improve the existing one, get ahead of competitors and accelerate self-development.
Compared to the visionary who sees the possibilities, the analyst realizes them.
A running business requires a good marketer-manager. Its key goal is to form a team of professional and strong performers. The administrator will set tasks for them, control their implementation, track the motivation of his team, and also not interfere with the work of professionals.
This type of marketing manager is needed at a time when the organization has clearly defined goals and has already determined what means are needed to achieve them.
Tasks of the Head of Marketing
The main goal of the head of the marketing service of the enterprise is to increase the company's income by increasing sales and increasing the average check. The technical side of solving this issue lies with subordinates. But, as a rule, the manager knows and is able to perform all the duties of an ordinary marketer. The Chief Marketing Officer of large organizations is characterized by the following functions:
- Redirecting the company's activities to those niches in which the development process is most promising. This requires a competent preparation of a marketing plan, revision of the product range, processing of proposals.
- Create your own department. The duties of the head of the marketing service include the formation of a group of qualified specialists whose experience, skills and abilities correspond to the current level of development of the company. He directly, together with personnel officers, participates in the recruitment of employees, determines the level of their skills, motivates and trains.
- Marketing management. The manager sets goals, voices possible and existing problems, makes decisions, distributes responsibilities among employees, controls and, if necessary, corrects the process.
- Marketing strategy coordination. In the direction of B2B sales, feedback from the distributor, which is the link between the manufacturer and the end consumer, is considered an important point. The information received from him contributes to changing the promotion plan and increasing the profits of the organization.
The solution of all problems takes place taking into account the future perspective. After all, the ability to predict is an important quality of the head of the marketing department.
In order for the boss to control the work of each marketer, he must be able to fulfill their duties.
The main tasks of the Chief Marketing Officer are:
- development and implementation of a marketing strategy;
- budget control;
- market monitoring;
- tracking the actions of competitors;
- target audience research;
- promotion organization;
- analysis and adjustment of advertising campaigns.
The ideal work of the marketing service at the enterprise should be carried out in such a way that the intervention of its head in the work of marketers is minimal.
In order for subordinates to work with full dedication and be interested in the result, it is necessary to constantly motivate them, both materially and non-materially. You also need to develop clear communication channels between related departments.
5 tips to improve company performance with the help of a marketing director
- Include the marketing director among the top managers of the company.
- Designate a marketing director as a link between several structural divisions.
- Make a plan for your marketing service.
- Establish a direct connection between the CEO of the company and customers.
- Expand the scope of authority of the marketing director to more effectively control the business processes of the company as a whole.
This move has a strong rationale. Thus, you, as the owner of the business, will demonstrate to the hired employee that you trust him not only in the specific direction of the company's activities, but are also ready to listen to his opinion in solving other equally important issues, marketing is one of the driving forces of the business for you.
At general meetings attended by managers of all levels, many important issues of the enterprise's work are resolved more quickly. The marketer should take part in the analysis of the financial condition of the company, economic activity and the development of an overall strategy.
In order to finally get an objective assessment of the level of customer satisfaction with the product and the company as a whole and have an impact on it, entrust the control of several departments to the marketing director. Customers form their opinion using at least six communication channels.
It is impossible to achieve a high level of service and product quality if each of the links that influences this works autonomously. Only being in the same chain, by combining the efforts of various functional areas, one can achieve a single quality and work on its improvement.
Sometimes there is a situation when a company has developed a general long-term work plan, but there are no clear steps for marketers. So it is very difficult to achieve real results.
You should start writing such a plan so that each unit acts in a coordinated manner and is ready to implement the assigned tasks. For example, if marketers plan to launch a new product line and production is not ready for it, or the recruitment department does not provide the required number of employees, then the overall task will be in jeopardy.
One of the tasks of the marketing director is to collect feedback and constantly analyze the opinions of customers about the product and the company. He must promptly communicate the results obtained to the entire management team and other employees. Now in most companies, for all top managers, the NPS performance indicator (degree of customer satisfaction) has been introduced.
Some large hospitality businesses have successfully implemented the following efficient service-ideal framework at all customer touchpoints.
They managed to significantly improve the "share in the customer's wallet" indicator by applying the following steps: the introduction of clear service standards and their observance by all services in each enterprise of the network, the division of responsibility for controlling individual points of interaction between departments, an individual approach to compiling e-mail texts and mailing and filling the site, the recognition by each employee of personal responsibility for the result of their work.
Like any leader, the marketing director should know:
- legislative and regulatory acts, information on the organization of the work of the marketing service, how the financial and economic condition of the market is assessed, as well as its capacity;
- how the solvency of demand for manufactured goods is determined, how long-term and current plans for the production and sale of products are developed;
- all the features of the manufactured goods: both technological and design, their characteristics, consumer properties, as well as the main differences from the products of foreign competitors, advantages and disadvantages;
- methods of studying market conditions, developing and forecasting the need for manufactured goods;
- manufacturing economy;
- how to organize advertising campaigns;
- ways to study the motivation of the attitude of buyers to manufactured goods;
- terms of delivery of products, their storage and transportation;
- how to organize fruitful cooperation with dealers and mass media;
- how to provide affordable ways to repair products;
- the procedure for considering and compiling responses to consumer claims regarding low-quality goods, including those related to advertising documentation;
- standards and specifications that apply to all products of the company;
- technology and organization of production, basics of management and labor relations;
- how to organize accounting for the implementation of plans for the sale of goods and prepare reports in this area;
- fundamentals of labor legislation;
- current standards in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, fire protection.
Job responsibilities and core competencies of the Marketing Director
- Implementation of the development of the organization's policy in the field of marketing based on the analysis of consumer properties and qualities of manufactured goods, making forecasts in terms of consumer demand for products.
- Ensuring the participation of your division in the development of long-term and current production plans, the search for new markets for the sale of products and attracting new customers.
- Coordination of the work of all departments whose functions are related to the collection and analysis of information of a commercial and economic nature, the creation of an information bank for the marketing of the organization's goods, which includes applications for the supply of products, production contracts, data on the availability of stocks or balances, market capacity, etc. .
- Organization of processes for studying the opinion of buyers about the product line produced by the organization, analyzing its impact on the activities for the sale of goods and developing measures that increase the competitiveness and quality of the product range.
- Monitoring the prompt correction of deficiencies that are indicated in complaints and claims received from consumers, motivating a certain attitude of buyers to the company's products;
- Organization of the process of developing strategies for conducting advertising events in the media through electronic, postal, outdoor or illuminated advertising, advertising on public transport, participation in industry and specialized exhibitions, fairs, where potential buyers are introduced to products, as well as expanding the geography of markets sales.
- Preparation of proposals for the formation of a unified corporate style for the organization and corporate design of promotional products and services.
- Providing methodological guidance to the company's dealers and providing them with all the necessary technical and advertising documents.
- Joint participation with other divisions and departments in the development of measures, proposals and recommendations for changing the characteristics of products of a technical and economic plan, the purpose of which is to improve the consumer qualities of the product and stimulate sales processes.
- Providing management of the activities of service centers for warranty service and repair of the organization's goods, preparing proposals for technically sound planning and production of spare parts, both in terms of quantity and nomenclature.
- Supervising the correct storage, transportation and use of the company's products.
- General management of employees in their department.
Additionally, the Marketing Director should have the following skills and knowledge:
- The head of marketing should understand the meaning of the word "profit" in a broader sense than the accounting interpretation implies. Profit from sales, cash flow, net present value, return on investment, asset turnover and other similar indicators can lead to negative developments if they are used for any reason. For this reason, the CMO must have a deep understanding of the significance of product and market portfolios and related policies.
- The most famous foreign FMCG companies have marketing directors on their staff, so the need for them arises sporadically, for example, when the contract of an invited specialist ends.
The nuances of the position of director of online marketing
Due to the fact that there is now a trend towards the transition of business to the Internet, there are some features in the work of the director of online marketing.
This person should select a team of specialists who understand modern marketing trends and the main trending tools in this area.
When the search and attraction of traffic occurs through third-party sites, this is called performance marketing. Competent in this matter:
- CPA manager or affiliate marketer;
- contextual advertising specialist;
- targetologist;
- SEO specialist.
The phrase "content marketing" means a set of activities for the creation, distribution of materials on the sites.
Editors, copywriters, designers and other specialists write texts, prepare audio, shoot videos. The placement of the created content is carried out by SMM specialists, development and PR specialists, influence marketers (they build mutually beneficial cooperation with bloggers).
If the task is to generate even greater demand for a product or service, to attract the maximum number of cold buyers, then content producers, managers of special content projects get to work and conduct large-scale campaigns.
All processing of databases of potential customers is carried out using CRM-systems. A number of companies practice only email marketing. And if the enterprise is large enough, then in addition to the latter, it also uses a channel of interaction through SMS informing and instant messengers.
They do not always report directly to the marketing director, but representatives of such specialties as product specialists, analysts, and developers are directly involved in the implementation of the company's marketing policy. In the chain of command, they are in a horizontal relationship with the marketing department, interacting with almost all departments of the company.
It is no secret that the tools for implementing the company's policy in terms of marketing are developing so rapidly that not everyone can master them. One of the main requirements for a candidate for a vacant position of a manager is the ability to navigate in all existing aspects, apply them and analyze the results obtained, excluding the most ineffective as a result.
Ideally, a marketing director is a person who combines several incarnations:
- strategist - to arrange the sequence of moves, provide for alternative scenarios for the development of events;
- analyst - process a large amount of information, be able to highlight the main thing and make decisions based on the main conclusions;
- connoisseur of the external and internal environment of the company - focusing on changes in the situation within the enterprise and external transformations of the surrounding reality, quickly respond and change the product, satisfying the preferences of customers.
Find an approach to all employees, based on their individual characteristics. To be able to show how, by achieving the goals of the company, they can realize their dreams and desires.
The required list of applied knowledge is a set of core skills that are to be measured:
- knowledge of basic data analysis tools;
- the ability to set marketing goals and create a comprehensive marketing and communication strategy for the company;
- understanding of the methodology for conducting marketing research: audience, product, competitors, content;
- correct interpretation of data for the formation and testing of hypotheses;
- knowledge of finance, unit economics and budget planning; the ability to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of marketing activities; Possession of basic skills in website development;
- understanding of the main features of working with loyalty, targeted and contextual advertising, SEO, CPA networks, SMM, CRM, content marketing.
Of course, this does not mean that every online marketing director should have these skills. To become a leader, there are two ways: you must either have extraordinary leadership skills, or be a super professional in the field of marketing.
Soft skills of the head of the marketing department
In addition to basic skills, the marketing director is expected to possess soft skills, the most important of which is emotional intelligence. In the course of his activities, the manager will have to contact and communicate with many employees, various professional teams, contractors, subcontractors, as well as representatives of management at various levels. These include IT industry professionals, PR specialists, brand managers, marketers, content designers, etc.
Since all these people have not only different work functions, but also a different mindset, and, accordingly, thinking, the holder of the position of the head of the marketing department, first of all, must be not only an excellent marketer, but also an excellent manager. He must feel and understand each member of his team, develop an individual approach to each of his employees. Only in this way can the boss create a team in which all employees will work with maximum efficiency, as a result of which a marketing miracle can happen.
With the help of empathy in conjunction with customer focus, the head of marketing will be able to better understand the company's customers, see the product through the eyes of buyers, and understand the relationship of marketing strategies for promoting products with global business goals and objectives.
As practice shows, the most important and, accordingly, the most difficult thing in the work of a marketing director is the recruitment of a truly well-coordinated and efficient team. This is explained by the fact that it is not enough just to recruit qualified employees, it is much more important that each team member has a long-term motivation to work. It is necessary to set the task in such a way that the employee gives exactly the results that are expected of him, but at the same time he can express himself in the process of work. The ability to select and further develop employees of their department is considered an important quality of a good Chief Marketing Officer.
The manager interacts with colleagues, contractors and other professionals who help him develop by discussing his ideas. In the case of tacit agreement with the thoughts of the boss, the latter will not have any prerequisites for the development of his competencies: "since everyone agrees and does not offer anything, then I am the smartest."
The ideal Chief Marketing Officer should be energetic and ambitious, inquisitive and purposeful, have an active lifestyle and strive for continuous development through learning. He constantly monitors trends not only in his native industry, but also in related ones, he does not feel fear when mastering something new. The head of the marketing service must understand the specifics and features of the business, the prospects for products on the market, make decisions based not on their preferences, but on analytical data.
Constant training and self-development of the marketing director is not just a fashionable trend, but a vital necessity in work.
A competent and self-confident Chief Marketing Officer is not afraid to make any mistake. Sometimes, given the opportunity, he may test certain ideas and deliberately achieve negative results in his experiments. This is necessary in order to avoid more global errors in the future. In some cases, mistakes may happen unintentionally, but they are also a valuable part of the experience that cannot be gained without trying.
Ability to improvise
Once upon a time, Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin, known as one of the best airlines, was vacationing in the British Virgin Islands. He was going to Puerto Rico, but the flight was canceled and Branson was forced to book a $2,000 charter. Then he divided this amount by the number of seats on the plane, wrote on a regular chalkboard: "Virgin Airways: $ 39 for a ticket to Puerto Rico" and walked around the airport building. He sold all the tickets. Already in Puerto Rico, one of the passengers said that his company is not so bad, and could turn into a good business if it had better service. Branson not only filled the plane and covered his own expenses, but also opened his own business.
Improvisation is at the heart of communication and entrepreneurship in today's world. These skills are developed in business schools and leading companies, because everything can be learned, even if it seems that we are talking about an innate trait. A good marketing director should be able to improvise in his work.
All these actions allow the marketing director to make decisions that will result in enrichment with positive examples of the marketing strategy for promoting the product. This also applies to related industries.
For the successful activity of the head of the marketing service, it is necessary to consciously approach their work, watch and analyze the mistakes made in the past, and take into account all marketing risks. The Chief Marketing Officer must have a flexible mind, critical thinking, a non-standard approach to his product, which will allow him to comprehend it in different directions and planes.
It is important that the marketing director truly sincerely love the products of his company and be a real ambassador for the company. After all, if a top manager admires the goods produced, then everyone is inspired by this: both the team and the customers.
Interactions between ROP and ROM
The functionality of the head of the marketing service also includes interaction with other divisions and departments. One of these points of contact is the commercial department, with the leadership of which conflicts and misunderstandings can often arise. There can be many reasons for this: from exaggeration of the personal achievements of employees to personal hostility.
The line that distinguishes the sales department from the marketing department is rather conditional, since each of these departments is periodically enriched with new functions that expand their powers in certain areas. Internal conflicts in the company are an unacceptable development of events, therefore the tasks of a top manager in such situations are reduced to taking measures to eliminate misunderstandings in the work of departments and organize their effective interaction. The exchange of qualified employees is considered one of the most effective methods of smoothing conflicts.
In order to try to understand someone's responsibilities, it is necessary to do this work yourself. The result of the exchange of employees between the marketing service and the sales department is:
- creation of conditions for equality;
- the ability of employees of one department to understand the goals and objectives of employees of another department.
Such interaction, as a rule, takes place in the form of a short-term internship, after which appropriate conclusions are drawn and measures are developed to establish effective interaction.
The duration of an employee's internship in another department is directly dependent on his individual characteristics and the position he occupies. On average, this period lasts from several hours to several days. The essence of this exchange is that marketers get acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of salespeople, perform all their functional duties or accompany them during the work process. In the same way, employees of the sales department go to the workplace of marketers and get acquainted with the peculiarities of their work.
Preparing to recruit a marketing manager
Finding a marketing director who will really work effectively in your organization is a rather complicated process. The selection procedure is as follows.
It consists in the analysis of all options for marketing activities: a business plan is drawn up and working solutions are identified from the general list, it is checked which solutions are most effectively used by competitors, what works in related industries, what can and should be done based on your personal experience or feelings:
- It is necessary to analyze the direct competitors of the company selling similar products. In the process, they look at what promotion methods they use to get feedback from the market, whether organizations really earn from applications of this kind or is this an unjustified investment. A situation is likely in which the entire market is already divided, and it will be extremely costly to penetrate it through marketing channels. For example, if you try to resell Apple products through CPC advertising, you will quickly be swamped by companies that spend years perfecting their promotional activities.
- Check niches in related industries that are not your direct competitors, but sell similar products or services to a similar target audience. For example, you sell specialized services through a B2B platform.
There is another organization selling different services but on the same platform. And it seems to you that things are going more than successfully for her. Moreover, sales are not carried out in the same way as you do with direct sales, but through seminars or master classes. Here comes the thought, if it works for someone, then maybe it will work for me.
But this is just an assumption, which still needs to be confirmed in practice. Testing all such ideas and hypotheses is best done in collaboration with entrepreneurs who are well versed in the intricacies of marketing.
The result of all similar reasoning and preparation is a marketing plan , which has its own priorities, tested assumptions that require confirmation, with stop-losses and specified time stamps and responsible for it.
Write down business goals and adjust them taking into account the received analytics and market realities
What do you, as an owner or as a top manager, expect from the business and whether the expectations match the current marketing plan, the actual market situation and the proposed investment.
In other words, if you want to see an increase in sales of more than 30% within a year, are you ready to invest up to 500,000 PKR in marketing activities per month, instead of 150,000 PKR that you are investing now? And that's without taking into account the cost of wages for new employees.
Draw up a marketing plan based on market analytics and adjusted goals
The current marketing plan is a kind of roadmap for the newly hired marketing director. Of course, his level allows you to make reasonable changes to it, but only after confirming the level of his professionalism. The marketing plan says:
- Vertical - all used marketing channels.
- Horizontally - the existing links between the unique selling proposition and the target audience. Color coding is used to indicate those hypotheses that have already been tested and yield results, those that have not been confirmed, which are to be tested first, which have a lower priority, and which hypotheses will be tested indefinitely.
Test priority marketing plan hypotheses
Much cheaper than paying more than half a million PKR in wages to a marketing director will be testing on your own or through the involvement of contractors. If you need to test any hypothesis from the list, then it is quite likely that you can do without the knowledge of the new Chief Marketing Officer in this area.
It may also happen that during the check of assumptions you urgently need advice from the director in the field of email marketing or SPAM, but he will not have this knowledge. It is also possible that the hypothesis will eventually turn out to be a mere sham and will not bring any benefit to your business, and you will have to pay increased wages for the work of the head of the marketing department.
Only after a thorough study of all the above points, you can begin to select a candidate for Chief Marketing Officer in accordance with the prepared marketing plan. You can also ask candidates for feedback on the marketing plan you have prepared and ask them to provide more detail on specific steps in one of their priority marketing channels.
Thus, you will be able to select the most suitable candidates for you, who are able to solve the key business task for this position, namely, receiving applications from target customers. You can also test for any other tasks that you plan to transfer to the area of responsibility of the marketing director in the future, for example, the analytics function or design.
Selection of candidates for the position of head of marketing department
It is best to select candidates in a small group format. Consider the main stages of hiring a marketer in a company.
Conducting an interview
Having identified the most promising applicants with whom you would be interested to talk in person, you need to start preparing for the interview. To do this, you need to conduct short conversations on the phone. So you will already have an idea who you will have to face face to face.
The result of a personal meeting should be detailed answers to the following questions:
- Will the candidate be able to cope with the responsibilities that you are going to assign to him?
- Will the applicant be able to fit into the current team?
- Will the new employee be able to adapt to the working conditions accepted in the company?
- Is he able to show resourcefulness in solving non-standard problem situations?
When communicating with the applicant, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to his personal qualities and only then to knowledge and experience. When starting a new business, you will need employees who can adapt to any situation that may arise at an unexpected moment. Working in small companies is significantly different from working in large organizations.
When compiling questions for candidates for the position of head of the marketing service, you should try to formulate them in such a way that the answers are the most complete, i.e. revealed the essence of the matter. For example, if a job seeker hears a simple question about whether he is able to work effectively under stress, then it is likely that you will hear a one-word “yes”. Instead, you should ask how the applicant differs from other applicants for this position, whether he had difficulties in communicating with someone at his previous job, how he managed to solve emerging problems, etc. It is a detailed explanation that will give you a complete picture of the personal qualities of the applicant.
During the applicant's answer, it is necessary to evaluate not only the content, but also the manner of conducting a conversation. Experts say that if the appearance of the applicant expresses indifference, the voice is sluggish and unemotional, then your interlocutor is probably not speaking sincerely. Did he act correctly in this or that situation? Did he ask for help at a time when he really needed it to carry out his duties effectively? Paying attention to all the nuances during the interview, you can easily determine the level of initiative and diligence of a potential Chief Marketing Officer, his ability to make the right decisions.
In the process of searching for a top manager, it is necessary to lay at least an hour for an interview. If after this time the candidate is still of interest to you, then you should arrange meetings with other managers for him.
Checking recommendations
When selecting personnel for the staff of their organization, managers, as a rule, do not bother to check the recommendations from the previous place of work. Experts are extremely negative about this moment. A good employer checks the applicant for a position in all possible areas, up to credit history. Recently, it has become almost mandatory to pass tests for the content of narcotic substances in the applicant's blood. But, it should be borne in mind that no one can oblige the applicant to go through all these events, but if he agrees to voluntarily go through them, this will be an additional plus in the treasury of his merits.
In this case, you can apply the next step - leave a message to the person giving the recommendation that you are waiting for his call if the applicant has only ideal data. If the candidate really left a good impression of himself at his previous place of work, then his former manager will definitely call you back. If not, then appropriate conclusions must be drawn.
Also, in the conversation, it should be clarified whether the employee had the opportunity to work more efficiently, and what needed to be done for this.
Recruitment experts say that you need to check those recommendations that the candidate did not indicate in his resume. A list of the applicant’s previous jobs can be found without any problems on the Linkedin resource, and then ask former employers for an opinion about the person you are interested in.
Marketing manager salary
The amount of remuneration of the Chief Marketing Officer is directly dependent on the level of his obligations. Thus, if the scale of the organization is quite large, then the degree of responsibility will be high, and accordingly, the salary will not be small.
Below are the approximate salary levels for Pakistan:
- for large businesses, the salary will be PKR 4,582,113 + bonuses + options + KPI;
- for medium-sized businesses - salary from 100 to 25 thousand PKR + bonuses + KPI;
- for small businesses - salary from 100 to 200 thousand PKR + bonuses + KPI;
- for micro-organizations - salary from 50 to 80 thousand PKR + bonuses + KPI.
As for St. Petersburg and large millionaire cities, wages in them will be approximately 30% lower.
This is followed by the following trend: the smaller the settlement, the lower the level of wages.
All listed amounts are taken from official sources. In the public domain, it is very difficult to find a vacancy for a managerial position. As a rule, if it is posted, then in the “salary” section there will be only one word “negotiable”.
Calculation of KPI Marketing Director
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the CMO should include not only the results of the department, which he manages, but also the overall results of the company's activities over a certain period of time. This may be the amount of profit received, its level per client, etc. If you focus solely on the indicators of the marketing service, then this will not entirely reflect the merit of the most evaluated leader.
The choice of the main indicators is influenced by the goal: to become a leader in its market segment (main KPIs: increase in the number of customers, increase in sales by at least 20%), carry out a profitable sale of the business (main KPIs: increase the company's capitalization to maximize profits), master a new sales market (main KPIs: conclusion of at least 5 contracts with partners, expansion of the product range).
Never use a system of performance indicators borrowed from another company. Your goals are very different. As a result, you will get only unnecessary waste of time and money.
All concepts used in the KPI of the marketing director should be simple. Avoid ambiguous wording and complex calculations. First, evaluate each of the selected indicators on your own. If it seems too low or, on the contrary, too high, then check if you installed it correctly. Focus on 4 key indicators when choosing values.
4 Key KPIs for a Marketing Director
- Sales Growth Indicators
They can be used to determine the performance of the entire business in a particular industry. These are:
- dynamics of the market share that the company occupies in the main segments;
- sales growth compared to the same period last year.
- Indicators characterizing the profitability of investments
The effectiveness of invested funds is determined by the value or dynamic change of indicators that affect the ratio of profit to investment costs.
- Indicators showing the level of quality of work with existing and potential clients
That is, they reflect the satisfaction of consumers with a product or service, the literacy of forming long-term communication with customers, and the speed of response to emerging shortcomings. Track changes in indicators such as:
- increase in the client base;
- the degree of satisfaction and loyalty of the target audience;
- the presence of positive feedback and recommendations from customers;
- the number of negative reviews about the product (service) and the speed of their processing.
- Indicators characterizing the quality of the ongoing advertising campaign
With their help, you can evaluate the effectiveness of advertising texts and sent messages, platforms for communication with consumers. Pay special attention to:
- dynamics of the level of knowledge and awareness of the product on the market;
- the dynamics of trial purchases among representatives of the target audience;
- conversion of contacts with the target audience into real actions/purchases.
Examples of calculating the main KPIs of a marketing manager with formulas
- KPI - Implementation of the plan for sales volume,%
((SVact. / SVplan.) - 1) x 100%, where:
SV fact. - actual sales volume;
SVplan. - planned sales volume.
Remember, the main goal of any business is to make a profit, so the values \u200b\u200b of the sales and revenues of the company must exceed the cost of paying employees. Otherwise, if you put disproportionately large numbers, you will doom the company to inevitable losses. Then it is unlikely that you can easily change them, because it will be difficult to convince employees of this.
- KPI - Increase in the margin of product groups compared to the same period of the previous year,%
(Vm.p.gen.) current period - (Vm.p. / Vgen.) past period) x 100%, where:
Vm.p. — volume of marginal production;
Vtot. - total production.
- KRI - Marginality of brands (Percentage of margin), %
(Rprod. - Rpurchase / Rpurchase) x 100%, where:
Purchase - the cost of purchasing products;
Prod. - cost of sales.
- KPI - The level of recognition of the company's trademark,%
(Nsign/Nopr.) x 100%, where:
Nzn. - the number of interviewed people who know the brand;
Nop. is the total number of people interviewed.
- KPI - Changes in market share by brands, %
Formula: Rely on reports from external marketing agencies.
- KPI - Significant change in brand awareness, %
((Nsign/Nref.) current period - (Nsign/Nref.) past period)) x 100%, where:
Nzn. - the number of interviewed people who know the brand;
Nop. is the total number of people interviewed.
- KPI - Number of new product launches, pcs .
N/NHp. , Where:
No - the number of all products;
NHp. - the number of new products.
- KPI - Deviation of the share of new products in sales volume from the planned one, %
N/NHp. , Where:
No - the total number of products produced;
NHp. - the number of new products.
- perspective
There is no definite formula in this case. The work of a marketing director is measured by the number of points that are obtained as a result of consumer surveys: how satisfied a person is with a product or level of service.
A number of companies are introducing an electronic system for receiving customer feedback. And some simply send out questionnaires by e-mail with a few questions. Based on the information received, you see what needs to be changed in the work of employees or the product itself.
Recommendations for improving the work of the head of marketing department
- Understand your team
- goals, objectives and solution strategies must be honestly and openly discussed directly with the team;
- to be interested in the opinion of the employees of the department on the manner of management;
- analyze work processes and communication of team members with each other, which will help to learn a lot of interesting things;
- allocate time and, as a result of an individual conversation with the employees of the department, evaluate their strengths, for a better understanding of each other.
- Apply situational guidance
- S-1 - Directive, characterized by a one-way flow of information from the leader to the group.
- S-2 - Mentoring, in which the manager convinces the team.
- S-3 - Supportive, when the leader involves the team in the decision-making process.
- S-4 - Delegating, in which the leader distributes tasks among group members.
- Don't lose the forest for the trees When solving the daily tasks of the department, which sometimes take up a significant part of the working time, you should not forget that they are still not the main priorities in the activities of the Chief Marketing Officer. If you pay a lot of attention to the little things, then in any case it will lead to such a phenomenon as excessive control. It is the responsibility of the head of the marketing department to create a situation in which the goals of the organization must always coincide with the goals of the marketing service. Therefore, while subordinates are solving their daily tasks, their boss must carefully analyze the information received and determine when to start any actions, when to stop them or continue them.
- Maintain a culture of open communication
- Adhere to an open door policy. As a rule, this is expressed in the establishment of a certain period of time during which any member of the team can come in and ask any question.
- Conduct periodic brainstorming meetings to exchange information and express opinions of each participant.
- Where possible, use a supportive leadership style to involve team members in the decision-making process.
- Ask employees for feedback on a regular basis.
- Show interest
The degree of involvement in the activities of the team depends on its characteristics, as well as on individual participants. Therefore, the first step of an effective leader should be awareness and understanding of the launch of the working mechanism of the team.
Therefore, at first, it is best not just to lead a team in a new place of work, but to determine which leadership style will be more effective. There are many ways to achieve this. Below are the most common ones:
After the manager begins to understand his team, he will be able to adjust his management style to the needs and requirements of employees using the situational leadership model. In other words, there is an adaptation of their managerial style to the level of development of the department.
This model consists of four leadership styles, which are denoted as follows:
This approach defines different levels of maturity and readiness to complete the work. In simple terms, there is no single correct leadership style for all situations.
For example, two new employees joined the company. One is non-initiative and works poorly, so the leader uses a directive approach in relation to him, and the second has rich work experience, copes well with the tasks set, respectively, a delegating approach is used here.
Based on this, we can conclude that it is not necessary to memorize all situational leadership, it is not necessary to use one approach to managing a department. First you need to analyze all the circumstances and only then decide how to turn the team in the right direction.
Constantly monitoring the big picture can help you move away from excessive control over secondary tasks and direct the work of the team in the right direction through the definition of strategic goals.
Employees are satisfied with their work and are motivated to perform their duties effectively when they realize their value in the work of the team. Accordingly, the manager should try to maintain the current atmosphere in the department, in which any employee can offer his ideas to solve any issues or simply ask for help.
How to achieve this? Very simple. It is necessary to cultivate the mechanisms of open communication, interaction between departments and create feedback.
The leader can create a culture of open communication in his team in the following ways:
The setting of new tasks must be carried out in such a way that team members feel prepared for this and have all the necessary data.
In some companies, there is such a problem when the leader takes part in important meetings, knows about making key decisions, understands the direction of the business, but does nothing to ensure that his team also knows about it.
According to a survey by Harris Interactive of about 23,000 employees, it turned out that only 37% of respondents understand what and why their boss is trying to achieve.
Team members will almost never take the initiative and work effectively without proper supervision if they do not fully understand the overall goals of the company and department. Therefore, an important factor is explanatory work on how their activities affect the overall result.
A highly qualified and experienced specialist can combine the qualities of a leader and a good marketer. Therefore, it is very difficult to find a suitable candidate for the position of Chief Marketing Officer. Training to this level is also a long and costly journey. Therefore, you should be very responsible in the selection of such a specialist and, if necessary, schedule a second interview.