What is Information Marketing?

Team TeachWiki

Information marketing is understood as a set of skills and abilities for managing information flows in the global or national economy to ensure the effective sale of goods and services.

Concept, goals and objectives of information marketing

The commercialization of information activities has led to the emergence of the concept of “information marketing or marketing of an information product or service.

The success of a company in the market depends on the availability of complete, reliable and timely information about the organization’s position in the market, the state of the environment, etc. Such information must be carefully analyzed. The assessment results are the basis for making management decisions on the production and promotion of goods and services.

The commercial information dissemination industry is an industry that provides information products and services to users or consumers. It operates based on the use of information technologies (modern types of information services built on the basis of communications and computer systems).

Therefore, information is studied from two perspectives:

The concept of information marketing is also considered from two points of view. On the one hand, this is the application of marketing principles in the work of a company to disseminate information for commercial purposes (marketing in computer science). On the one hand, this is the application of marketing principles in the work of a company to disseminate information for commercial purposes (marketing in computer science). On the other hand, information marketing is defined as computer science in marketing, namely information support for marketing in an enterprise.

Information marketing is understood as a set of skills and abilities for managing information flows in the global or national economy to ensure the effective sale of goods and services.

The goal of information marketing is to find a match between the capabilities of information structures and the requests of the target audience.This is done through systematic studies of the external and internal environment.

Information marketing objectives:

Information marketing helps information structures effectively solve market problems by using the opportunities and potential of production, in order to obtain high profits, planning activities taking into account the development trends of the information market.

Functions and types of information marketing

The industry of information products and services is influenced by the emergence of new information technologies, the development of database automation tools, and the improvement of means of disseminating commercial information.

Marketing activities of information companies involve performing a number of functions:

The first function is to provide a systematic and comprehensive assessment of the company's internal and external environment. The second function provides systematic marketing management. The third function is generating demand , organizing the sale and promotion of products, and pricing The last function is to monitor the implementation of marketing plans and evaluate their effectiveness.

The market for information products and services is unstable. Every 2-3 years, and sometimes more often, new technologies are developed and implemented. Therefore, close attention is paid to marketing research of the information market.

It is important to evaluate existing relationships with consumers of information products and services, and rationally apply the features of their production in order to modernize the portfolio of information products and services.

Depending on the demand for information products and services, the following types of information marketing are distinguished:

  1. conversion marketing (task: developing a promotion program to create demand for information products and services);

  2. stimulating marketing (takes place in the absence of demand for information services, the emergence of new products, new consumer requirements);

  3. developmental marketing (turns potential demand into actual demand, new stimulating demands are applied);

  4. remarketing (goal: providing a product of market novelty, reorienting the information structure to a new market);

  5. conflict marketing (the same information products are distributed to different competing delivery methods);

  6. supporting marketing (necessary to accurately match demand with the capabilities of the information structure);

  7. demarketing (used when there is excess demand);

  8. synchromarketing (used when demand fluctuates);

  9. missionary marketing (used when the advantages of various SEs are not obvious, when they change quickly);

  10. protidal marketing (used when demand is irrational from the point of view of the well-being of society as a whole and its members).

Information marketing methods

Information marketing methods include:

The information marketing method is based on the following approaches:

  1. information management for the purposes of the sales system (data about the company as an object of trade);

  2. information management for the purpose of product sales (data to support the sales process);

  3. information management in order to enhance sales (data necessary to increase sales volumes).

The tools of information marketing are the traditional elements of the marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion and people.

To promote information products and services, advertising, consulting users and distributing reference materials are used. Specific benefits of automated databases.
